Hello World!

Yes… At last… The time has come… Welcome in the first post of Motorcycles and Wines blog! At the beginning I want to tell you, how happy I am becouse of you visiting this page.

Yes… At last… The time has come… Welcome in the first post of Motorcycles and Wines blog!

At the beginning I want to tell you, how happy I am becouse of you visiting this page. This is my first post and also the beginning of my adventure with publishing content in the internet. In this material I would like to tell you short story about the idea of this website, where it came from and what are my plans for this blog.

About the passion for wines and motorcycles I can tell you that it started about 10 years ago. You can find some more info in “About me” section. About the idea of writing a blog, it all started with me writing tasting notes for wines and craft beers I have tried.

After a few years of learning about wines (and craft beer) and getting deeper in this beatiful world, I decided to start writing short tasting notes just for myself. At the beginning I was looking for some predefined set of parameters I could use to describe different alcohols. Unfortunately none was satisfying for me: some were too general (about wines mostly five points: eyes, nose, taste, after taste, general score) and others were too detailed. After preety long reserach I have decided to define my own template, basing on my knowledge, experience and literature. First template of tasting note was dedicated beer, a few days later another one for wine was prepared. This is the way, how first materials were beeing created but still saved to network hard drive.

The second step was connected with my purchase of motorcycle. That was the time, when my shorter and little bit longer trips started – from those only around Kraków, ending with longer journeys around Poland. That was the time, I started to feel that I want to share my feelings and all I have seen in places I have visited.

Autumn 2018 in Bieszczady

First time I thought about the blog was during one week trip on motorcycle to Sicily. While travelling around the island and tasting local wines (Nero d’Avola has a very special place in my mind), I have started to wonder about combining these two passions into one. This is how the idea of starting blog dedicated to wines and motorcycles was born. For that particular moment it was still only a concept. After comming back to Poland, this idea got down, circleing like a boomerang, but still with no actions.

2017 trip to Sicily on rented BMW GS1200 – road to Etna

Second time, when this idea came back to me, was during a week trip to Toscany. Again, during the whole week of driving motorcycle around beatiful places, like Florence, Chianti, San Gimigiano and many others, again trying local wines I felt the need of sharing those moments. After comming back to Poland I got a little more clear concept, what and how I would like to post on this blog. Still with no results…

Short stop by Toscan winery in 2018 with San Gimigiano in the background

Crucial stage, which was final step of the decision of starting this blog took place during last holidays. During a few trips, e.g. to Moravia or some places around Zielona Góra, serious discussions with my girlfriend about starting this website and about the content of published materials has started. To give you a hint – there is no person in the world that could be more annoying by asking about starting the blog over and over again than my girlfriend. Trust me… That was the moment I have started seriously to collect and prepare the materials, which result is this site.

One of Moravian vineyards with Valtice in the background, 2019

Main purpose of this blog were weekend trips to local vineyards on motorcycle: start on Saturday morning, travelling around picturesque landscapes till the afternoon, then visiting the winery, talking with the owner, tasting local products, to come back home next day at noon. Due to the fact, that I undestood, that amount of such materials would be too small in the context of the whole year, especially considering winter time, I decided to post additional materials connected strictly with wine, such as wine tasting notes, reports from tasting events and other trips connected with this alcohol. Additional subject with dedicated section would be beer. Some tasting notes and tips about beer and stories from beer festivals and other events would be also published on this blog. It is also possible, that occasionally some posts about other alcohols will appear on this site.

First series of posts I would like to publish will be called “From the drawer”. Every week I will publish one tasting note I have already written about either wine or beer as a part of this series. Additionally I will let myself to add some comment to this material due to the fact that some of those notes are even 5 or 6 years old. Honestly, looking at all this stuff from some time perspective would be a nice experience for me and would also be interesting retrospection about how my taste was evolving through all these years.

I want to invite you to follow this website, but also to visit and follow this websites facebook fanpage: Motocykle i Wino.

Let me know about your expectations for this blog in the comments section: what would you like to read here about? If you have any ideas or suggestions about the direction this blog should grow, feel free to share your thoughts below.