From the drawer: Córka Młynarza

Córka Młynarza – American Wheat from Piwowarownia brewery. First beer I have ordered a few minutes before the beginning of tasting evening in Po Byku restaurant. It was meant to be a short note, short

Córka Młynarza – American Wheat from Piwowarownia brewery. First beer I have ordered a few minutes before the beginning of tasting evening in Po Byku restaurant. It was meant to be a short note, short post for the blog. It turned out, that it was not about to be as easy, as it looked at first glance. I suggest to open some ligth beer (Córka Młynarza would be a good one ;P) and sit comfortably… I have to worn you – it would be long, but interesting material (I hope…). Let me tell you, why…

As I mentioned a few words before, everything started with my first order during beer tasting evening in Po Byku restuarant (see the relation). Having some time before the beginning, I wanted to get a little bit more familiar with products of the second organizer of the event. I also wanted to prepare a short tasting note for the blog, using the opportunity. Goal – present, preparation – pen and notebook – present, idea and plan were prepared in details – the only thing was to commence the action. Among all available beers I rejected all dark and strong in aroma styles and all others that could purturb my taste at the beginning of tasting. I just have expected something lite for the opening of the event and I didn’t want to be muffled with some strong aroma. Among all styles that have left, I chose Córka Młynarza. I had some doubts about the American parts of that Wheat, but I decided to take that risk. At that moment I didn’t knew, what kind of mistery to solve I took on my shoulders…

Beer tasting event organised by Piwowarownia brewery in Po Byku restaurant.

I think the best idea will be to start from the main note of this beer, the one I have prepared before the meeting. Chapter one: traditionally two words about what we’ve got. Beer is called Córka Młynarza, it is American Wheat from Piwowarownia brewery. It had 12 BLG of extract, alcohol at level of 5,1%.

Córka Młynarza

Considering the visual presentation, I have noticed first set of problems. Color was bright gold, which was OK. But haziness, more precisely, no haziness and the foam worried me a little. There was almost no foam – but thats fine, it could be caused be a few different reasons (type of the glass, detergent used for cleaning, way of pouring, although for the last one I think I took care of) and was not the result of beer itself. Thats why I leave the foam with no longer analysis. What was more problematic for me was high clarity of beer. It was not cristal, but still clear.

Just to clarify – almost all Wheat beers I have tried so far were hazy on a high level. I am saying almost, because there was maybe one or two, that were exceptions, but at this moment I am not able to remind any. Of course there is a version of Wheat beer called Cristal (Kristall, Crystal, etc.) which is a highly filtrated version, but about Córka Młynarza no such info was provided.

Going back to the note – let me review the aroma. In my nose I could feel pretty intensive citruses, hops, maybe a slight tone of toast and malts. Aroma itself was not too intense. In taste the bouquet was simmilar – lemon, citruses, stronger hops, slight tones of fresh grass and malts. The taste was nice, but not too intensive too. I can’t say that it was watery or shallow. It was just delicate and the beer itself was easily drinkable. The attack was strongly pinching the tongue – high saturation. The body was slight, still pinching a little, presenting all tastes in mouth. Aftertaste was pretty short, hoppy, nice, but still not too intense.

Moving forward to the summary (for the first time). In my opinion is it really American Wheat?

If I was about to identify this beer without any knowledge, I would say that it was a nice version of Pils or maybe APA. Definitely there is a lack of Wheat tastes – bananas and clove. Esters are not present either. Tastes intensity is also different from what I would expect. Only the presence of hops is corresponding with postulated style – in fact American, which means MOOOOORE HOOOOPS… But besides that, for me it is 5/10.

First part of the Córka Młynarza description is done. I must admit, I was pretty severe for it. Well – this is what I think. I consider my evaluation as essential, rational and based on an experience. However, who knows, how much my experience is worth… The next time, this beer appeared in my glass was during the tasting event itself. The second chapter: explanation of that beer from Mr. Łukasz Gustkiewicz – the owner of Piwowarownia Brewery and creator of this beer. Influenced by his words, I have reviewed the evaluation. Let me explain why…

Well, as Mr. Gustkiewicz said – every defect I found in that beer was not a defect at all. Everything was planned and designed as it comes in a final product. This beer was meant to be a way of showing, that there is no identity betwen wheat malt and banana and clove aroma and taste. They wanted to show the result of yeasts work. Instead of yeasts traditionally used in wheat beer, the american one were added. They are known from the clear profile – they are not adding any additional tastes and aromas to the final product. Clarity is also gained by purpose.

It could be said, that this beer was created to defeat some of myths about Wheat beers. Using this opportunity, the role of malts and enzymes in breweing was presented. I must admit, that I was positively surprised about such approach to this style. The only suggestion that came up to my mind is to put some info about the desire of this beer on a bottle, to let the consumer know, what is the purpose of such work. I am not sure if it would be better to change the postulated style, e.g. adding info about the clear profile yeasts or just adding some words to the description. Either way, the consumer without such knowledge will say that this beer is not good or just average, because this is not, what he expected. And he cant be blaimed for that.

Getting back to my evaluation, after authors explanation I have to review my note and give this beer 7/10, taking under consideration its educational character. Feeling duty (or maybe the passion) well fulfilled I was ready to prepare the material for blog. Yeah… For some reason it came up to my mind to check, if I have met with this beer earlier. It turned out, that in my virtual drawer there is a note describing Córka Młynarza.

Chapter three: tasting note from July 2016. I was thinking to myself, short lookup at the evaluation, maybe some words, what has changed… I was opening the folder and… I have no idea what just happened. I was surprised what I saw… Just short explanation – for almost each of my beer tasting notes I have a separate photo. Just most of these photos I have downloaded from the Internet and I connot publish them on my blog due to the copyrights. When I saw the photo of Córka Młynarza from 2016 I did not know, what to say. Let me explain by presenting you the full content of the document…

Córka Młynarza – American Wheat produced by Piwowarownia brewery with 12 BLG of extract, using Citra and Amarillo hops with alcohol level of 4,8%.

Beer has light yellow color, is hazy. The foam is white, thick, fluffy, goes down pretty fast leaving beautiful lacing. The color itself is not too intense.

In nose I can feel the smell of hops, citruses, some bread and clove, the aroma itself is not too intense. The bouquet consists of hops, citruses, bananas and some clove. The taste itself is not too intense, but also not shallow, nice, refreshing, brisk and funny. The beer is pretty drinkable.

The attack is not too aromatic, a little bit stronger pinches the tonge – medium saturation. The body is a little bit grainy because of CO2, full and characteristic, gives very nice feeling while drinking, static, but full of aroma and taste. Finish is a little bit longer, more wheat than hoppy, nice, but maybe a little bit behindhand.

Thinking about the balance and considering the style, I think this is pretty well done American Wheat – on one hand you can feel hops, maybe not too strong, on the other you can find the tones of banana and clove, characteristic for wheat. The only mark I have for this beer is the intense of taste and aroma – for me it should be more complete. Just to clarify – I am not saying that it is watery. Acidity is weak, citruses style; bitterness also weak, but a little bit stronger then acidity, in tones of hops; sweetness medium in character of banana and clove.

Summarizing: it is pretty good beer, light and refreshing, nice in drinking. It does not aspire to be outstanding, but it also cannot be called average or negligent. Its just good and free beer, ideal for relaxing evening. A little citrus, a little hoppy, not overwhelming with aroma, not heavy, perfectly balanced – it will give a lot of joy and calm. Its worth to come back and to recommend as a good example of American Wheat and as a beer for relaxing and getting distance to the everyday problems. Coming back alone would be as good idea as coming back with a group of friends for a chillout meeting.

Final note is 6,5/10.

Chapter four: I officialy declare that I am out. From one point the note that points out lack of Wheat beer in American Wheat. From second point the explanation of brewer, why it happened. I must admit, that it was a very good explanation and perfect approach of education about the role of wheat malts in in Wheat beers. And everything could have been find if not one simple fact – four years ago that beer was totally different – full name Wheat with all wheat aromas like banana and clove. My question is: what has changed, what happened? Why the brewer at one point decided to totally change the beer profile? Why under the same name they released totally different product? What has happened with original recipe and why they abandonned it?

Either way I will try to comment on that beer, all its history and everything it gives. Having so much questions and so much doubts, I have decided to start from scratch. I have visited the website of BJCP to see the official description of American Wheat style. And ones more I had to review my opinion about Cókra Młynarza. I humbled a lot, seriously – American Wheat is totally different then what I thought it is. I have to confess, that till that moment each beer in style with Wheat in name (apart from Wheat IPA and Wheat Wine and corresponding ones), should have banana and clove in taste for me. I was wrong. First of all, according to BJCP, American Wheat can be crystally clear to hazy. Both ends of clarity are accepted. Moreover the tastes of clove and banana SHOULD NOT be present!!! With full responsibility I must say – this is totally new for me. Man learns his whole life… To defend myself I just want to say, that my convictions were supported by experiences I had with beers in these styles I had drinked so far. Having American Wheat style presented this way, all the questions I have asked are getting answered – the brewers decision of changing the profile becomes justified. I have to say thank you to Piwowarownia brewery for the tasting and educational aspect, which resulted in the review of my knowledge and experience and let me learn something new in the area of Wheat beers.

Epilogue: I wonder, how many clients seeing Wheat in the name of beer style are thinking about banana and clove and haziness? After verification all the info about the American Wheat, my final note for Córka Młynarza is 7/10. Just a few words regarding my note from 2016 – I would really enjoy two different versions of Córka Młynarza side by side – one created with new recipe and second one with old, emphacizing the difference by changing the style to just Wheat (with recipe from 2016). It would be a nice experience to compare these two beers during one mini tasting.

Ending that post, I must admit – its pretty long and I am greatfull for your patience while reading this. I hope you enjoyed presented material. I wanted to describe the whole story of me getting known with that beer and results of changes in my perception of American Wheat style. If you had a chance (recently or some time ago) to try Córka Młynarza, please share your feelings about this beer in comments section. If you want to relate to the history of this beer – comments section is also yours.

See you in next posts!