About me

Hi, I am Ariel Zakrzewski… And this is the moment, when I should hear “Hi Ariel”. If you are seeing this section, there are three possibilities: either you are here as the result of accidental click or you are looking for contact info – if so, see below. The last explanation is that you are really interested, who is the author of this blog (sorry for you :P).

Contact info:
mail: motocykleiwino@gmail.com
facebook fanpage: Motocykle i Wino

Considering first two reasons resolved, lets go to the third one: as I mentioned at the beginning, my name is Ariel. As you probably suspect, two of my points of intereset are wines and motorcycles. However I would like to emphasize that not together at one time. Wine after a whole day on motorcycle, I would be deligthed; opposite way – driving anything as a driver after alcohol – no chance. Having this statement (I guess it was obvious, but either way I decided to write it down) explained, we can move on.

I started my journey around wines world about 10 years ago. It has started, when I was at the first year of my studies at university. One (late) evening I was going back from Krakow city center, back to my dormitory, when one place took my attention by the end of st. Thomas street (by the Szczepański square). From the outside it looked like a modest wine shop or restaurant. I decided to step in, because for some reason I thougth that I want to understand, what good wine is. Till that moment only “wines” I have “tasted” were those like Kadarka from a supermarket costing around 12zl per bottle or something simmilar. Having completly no idea, what should I order, I asked the waitress, which wine would she recommend for someone, who does not know anything about wines. Obviously I did not even think about writing or maybe memorizing anything about wine, she brougth me to the table. I am not even sure, what kind of grape it was made of, probably cabernet sauvignon. Either way I remember that it was like a big door to the new experience opening rigth in front of my eyes. I took the step through and since then I am travelling around this world.

Topic of motorcycles is also circling around me since 10 years. It started, when I was having courses for my driving license. That time I decided to have exam for both categories: B (cars) and A (motorcycles). Of course at that moment I did not have any plans or even ideas, when and what kind of a motorcycle I will be driving. The only thing I knew was that one day, those two wheels will be standing in my garage. And it did… In february of 2017 I have bougth Honda CBR 600 F4 and everything started… It is impossible to describe and clarify, how much fun this motorcycle is giving me every time, when I ride it. Other motorcyclists would probably know, what am I talking about. Those, who have never driven a motorcycle must stay with such (its definetly understatement) explanation: the moment, when I sit on my bike and start the engine, no matter how I was feeling even a moment before, I am having as much fun as a kid, which is in the middle of opening huge christmas present, that was dreaming about for last month!

If you are still not bored reading a story about a guy, that decided to write some stuff in internet, we’re moving on… Besides wines I am also interested about some other alcohols, especially beer. There is another story describing, how it turned out that from euro (or intenational) lagers with no taste I moved to IPAs, APAs, stouts, porters, etc. Maybe I will write down something about that. Moving from alcohols, I am living and working in Kraków as a software developer. I have graduated Computer Science at Jagiellonian University. Besides motorcycles and alcohols I also like to excercise a little bit, mostly with sport fighting and combat fighting – taekwondo and savbor. From time to time I also visit tennis court. About other things I am interested with worth mentioning, nothing more comes up to my mind (or I simply do not want to write about them :P).

Thank you for your patience and self discipline when reading those few words about me. I admire and appreciate. The only thing that left to be written is: I invite you to follow my blog and wish you a lot of fun, when reading it.

Ariel Zakrzewski